Greg Lloyd-Ris Marek-Peach Girl Photography-3821.jpg

Greg Lloyd is a mastering engineer + musician

I'm all about collaboration, and I’d love to help get your music sounding fantastic!

For project booking, get in touch through my contact form, and we can discuss the creative side, rates, scheduling, and more.

I specialize in mastering audio, own/operate my own mastering studio, and I also produce several passion projects each year independently.

I have graduate level musical training in classical and jazz trumpet (B.M. Boston University, M.M. UNC School of the Arts), and I’m coming up on 20 years in the field as a professional performing artist. I’ve been fortunate to contribute to a wide range of ensembles in my performance career, from local indie rock bands to world-class classical orchestras like the London Philharmonic. In addition to my creative trumpet work, I also enjoy playing piano and synths.

My multi-genre musical performance work, in combination with my advanced technical skill set, is part of what makes my mastering service unique.

I also work as an educator. As part of that effort, I run DIY Music Guide, a free web resource providing practical, high quality information on music production for artists working in the DIY and indie music space.